Kundalini Rebirthing the Autumn Equinox
Sunday 22 March 2020
2.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Ashtanga Yoga, 2/372 King Street Newcastle 2300
Tickets $60
Prepare for the descent of Autumn Equinox with a Kundalini Yoga ritual that will help
rebirth your power and sacred sovereignty.
As we encounter the darker days, we will explore what you’ve been carrying of the past,
parallel lives, false, and future selves.
Journey into the womb of one’s self to investigate what needs to be harvested, birthed, or released though breath work, kriyas, meditation, mantras, a sacred Sound Healing Journey and healing elixirs and heavenly treats.
This portal of creation provides a magical sanctuary to empower the process of shadow work, to embrace our light and craft a foundation of lasting insights, direction, and openness for the upcoming seasonal and astrological shifts ahead.
The kundalini rebirthing practices are the most powerfull, profound, intimate, personal, healing and uplifting practices that you can do. You will experience a new depth in your meditation and a renewed sense of self without the bagage of the past. A wonderful opportunity to release and let go. Embracing your inner flame and all the beauty that it holds.
Let’s use the potency of this time as a sacred opportunity to connect to our deepest essence. When we breathe fully and consciously we can heal our hearts, minds, bodies, and open to the Divine in everything. Come experience the healing power of Kundalini Rebirthing to transform your life. Expand your consciousness and open the doors to a greater sense of connection and oneness with all that is.
The Sound Healing is a potent alley and a chance to bathe in a variety of healing frequencies including the
powerful vibration of the gong, crystal bowls and other healing instruments.
All levels welcome, no prior experience is necessary.
Delicious treats and a healing thirst quenching nectar will be served to enhance the deep healing experience within.
Please don't hesitate to call or email with any questions.
x Lucinda