sacred beauty meets divine power
breath work ~ kriya ~mantra ~ ceremony
“The rebirthing experience was such a powerful one for me, and I felt so safe to dive into the process. I felt like I shed layers of anger and shame, as well as a few other things. I have been practicing the mantra that was provided and feel I’m reaping a lot of benefit from that.”
All levels welcome, no prior experience is necessary.
In this workshop, you will experience the energy alchemy of a Kundalini Rebirthing
Time to clear the energetic ties that bind us to past relationships. Using the science of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, we will remove auric imprints from our past, clear our subconscious, connect with our sacred heart-space and set our Arclines to bright white light to strengthen and attract high-frequency connections in the present and future.
This workshop is a fantastic way to recharge, strengthen and celebrate.
You are warmly invited tot this special workshop with Lucinda focusing on clearing the energetic ties that bind us to past relationships. Using the science of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, participants will remove auric imprints from the past and strengthen the heart, energising current relationships while setting the stage for new fruitful connections in the future.
Releasing past relationship karma
Whether you are happily single, open for a divine union to enter your life, are in a committed relationship or maybe somewhere in between, this is the workshop for you!
Learning from relationships
Love relationships teach us a lot about ourselves. We often get presented with a mirror to look at or have an opportunity to integrate a part of us through another person that we neglected or suppressed. With all types of relationships, we generate energetic cords that link us to the other person and it’s important to have a clear out once in a while.
Auric Imprints
It is ancient yogic knowledge that we take on some of the karma and energy of the person we are intimate with. This imprint can stay in our auric field even years after the relationship has ended!
Are you feeling this?
What are the signs for this? Well, we might still think of this person from time to time and they are able to evoke a strong feeling, maybe even a sense of something unfinished. If we are reminded of a previous experience or situation with them, we might get reactivated, upset or angry. In other words, they still have the power and permission to take our energy. Our manifestation and abundance might be blocked because of low vibrational energy we have absorbed so it’s harder to attract what we want. With different imprints in our auric field from past and current relationships the energy can get heavy. We might be feeling tired and drained without any particular reason. Often without realising that we are in a karmic cycle.
The power within
However, we have the power to elevate the union we are in or break the cycle and the illusions that keep us in unhealthy relationships patterns. First and foremost by doing work on ourselves, clearing our energy and stepping into our power.
Ancient sacred knowledge
Once we get into sacred practices using the divine sound current, powerful chants, mudras, postures and focused intention, you will be surprised how much comes into the light and our conscious awareness. Now we have an opportunity to work with it, release yet another layer of the shadow and create something
We will be sharing the gems that have been tried and tested in the Kundalini yoga tradition for transcending and clearing negative karmic bonds.
40 day personal meditation
If you want lasting results, however, we advise to take up a 40 day meditation practice in order to go through the process of release. You will be shown exactly what to do and we will practise as a group during the workshop.​
Using breath work, somatic release work, kriyas, mantra and movement we will ritual to transform our deeply longings and and beliefs nto passion and fuel for change, wisdom, and deep compassion for healing. Coming together in ceremony is truly transformational, leaving you feeling reborn and motivated to continue the journey along your unique path.
We will be embarking on a journey filled with breath, song, ceremony and sound to remember where we came from and why we are here today.

This is to give you a flavour of what you will experience in this 3 hour gathering:
Kundalini Yoga and Rebirthing
Rebirthing Breathwork: Kundalini Rebirthing uses a sequence (or Kriya) and the power of your own breath to bring joy into your life. It is a simple breathing techniques that takes you deep into yourself. Rebirthing is a powerful practice taught to clear the subconscious, to heal the pain and overcome the obstacles which keep you from living your best life - awakened, rejuvenated and present to your purpose.
** There are a vast and rich variety of rebirthing techniques in the tradition of Kundalini rebirthing this will not be the same rebirthing sequence ever experienced in Newcastle before.
Sound Healing
The sound of the sacred Gong: a potent ally in this endeavour gifting us with a heavenly feeling of lightness and calmness allowing us to merge with our Infinite Self. Gongs change time and locality. Skilfully played, gongs provide the entry point to recovery, self-recovery, and create a different platform for existence. Healing comes from inside, consciousness changes from our core. It is from a cellular level and from the depths of our mind and soul that we release the chaos and confusion within. As we clear from within we attain balance, clarity and wisdom. This inner alignment creates harmony in the outer world.
Delicious treats and a healing thirst quenching nectar will be served to nourish our soul and indulge our senses.
Heart space
Connecting from the heart in a safe, welcoming and supportive space. This workshop will be filled with soul expansion, centred connection, and high vibes that you didn’t even know were available to you.
All levels welcome, no prior experience is necessary.
Please don't hesitate to call or email with any questions.
Lucinda xx
Wear loose comfortable, white or light coloured clothes. Bring Your blanket, shawl and cushion for when you want to lay down and relax to receive high healing vibes.