Grit & Grace - A 4 Week Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Journey
“Kundalini” is an ancient Sanskrit word that literally means “coiled snake.” In early Eastern religion it was believed that each individual possessed a divine energy at the base of the spine. This energy is something we are born with, but we must make an effort to “uncoil the snake." Kundalini Yoga is the practice of awakening our higher self and turning potential energy into kinetic energy.
Kundalini yoga is a comprehensive technology which offers tools to develop the grit, the grace and the endurance necessary to navigate the challenges of our time. It is a toolkit for working with our latent potential, for self-crystallization and self-actualization. Kundalini yoga develops our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual fitness.
Through the practice of Kundalini Yoga, the nervous system is strengthened, the glands come into balance, intuition awakens, and the mind aligns with Grace & Spirit.
​Lucinda injects a range of different sounds and rhythms into her classes, combining the breath work, mantra and dynamic movement with carefully designed inspirational material and content around specific themes.. We might be jumping and shaking vigorously in one class or heavily focused on conscious breath, sound vibration and inward focus in another. We go beyond the limitations of the mind, paving the way for an often cathartic experience and sense of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual achievement.
Starting Thursday 14 May, 6pm - 7.30pm
Investment: $60
$30 concession (for people not working or experiencing a financial lull at this time)
Over the course of 4 weeks we’ll explore Kundalini Yoga kriyas and meditations that help us stay steady under stress, build grit to help us keep up, and uplift us so our mere presence radiates grace and elevation. Radiance is our shine, our inner light, and it attracts opportunity and prosperity into our life.
Because these classes will be sequential, one week building on the next, we encourage you to attend as many classes as possible.
Recorded class will be available week to week to encourage a home practice.
Private Facebook Group for special meditations to give us that “keep up spirit"
No Kundalini Yoga experience is necessary.
Available to all levels of experience and fitness.

Online Classes via Zoom